Theatre Maker and Designer
I have been interested in puppetry from a young age and have tried to implement it in my work as much as I can. I started making my first puppets out of recycled materials in sixth form where I made an octopus and jellyfish puppet. In my final year of university I produced the show Hymns of the Earth where I showcased the skills I had learnt over my 3 year degree and made a puppet, set and managed performers. This re-sparked my passion for puppetry and immersive art and since then I have worked with many like-minded people in this field and created my own projects to challenge my practice alongside.
Hymns of the earth
Puppet and set Designer and Maker, Director
The Black Box, Oldfield Park Theatre Workshops, Bath
May 2022
Director, Set Designer, Puppet Designer: Susie Beare
Lighting Designer: Ana Snook
Sound Designer: Charlie Wilsher
Photos: Yamuna Shukla
Puppeteers: Lily Jack, Josh Purdie and Rozie Jackson